How To Get Orange Essence in LoL
League of Legends

League of Legends

How To Get Orange Essence in LoL

Orange Essence is one of the four in-game currencies in League of Legends. The others are RP, Blue Essence, and Mythic Essence. Orange Essence allows you to unlock many cosmetic items like skins, wards, and more

If you're looking to expand your skin collection or just want to earn more Orange Essence, this is the right place for you. We'll cover what Orange Essence is, how to get more of it, and what you can purchase with this currency. Let's explore the different ways to earn this valuable resource!

Orange Essence is a special crafting material in League of Legends. It is used to craft various in-game cosmetic items like skins, wards, emotes, and even summoner icons.

What is Orange Essence

Orange Essence is a special crafting material in League of Legends. It is used to craft various in-game cosmetic items like skins, wards, emotes, and even summoner icons.

So basically, Orange Essence acts as a currency that allows you to customize the appearance of your champions, wards, and other parts of the game. Without Orange Essence, you won't be able to unlock or create these cool visual upgrades.

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Earning Orange Essence in League of Legends can be a bit of a grind, but it's essential for unlocking all those cool cosmetic items.

How To Get Orange Essence

Earning Orange Essence in League of Legends can be a bit of a grind, but it's essential for unlocking all those cool cosmetic items. There are several ways to earn Orange Essence:

  1. Opening Masterwork Chests. These chests have a 10% chance of containing 525 Orange Essence.

  2. Disenchanting unused skins, eternals, emotes, icons, and other cosmetic items in your loot. The amount of Orange Essence you get depends on the rarity of the item you disenchant.

  3. Seasonal passes, Lunar Revel 2024 pass, for instance, are another source of Orange Essence. At tier 18, you earn 625 Orange Essence, and at tier 46, you get another 625 Orange Essence.

  4. If you have Mythic Essence, you can convert it into Orange Essence. One Mythic Essence is worth 50 Orange Essence.

  5. Lastly, earning rank rewards can net you some Orange Essence. By earning 440 Split points, you'll receive 500 Orange Essence as a reward.

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One of the primary uses of Orange Essence is to unlock skin shards and turn them into permanent skins for your champions. The amount of Orange Essence required varies based on the skin's rarity – Epic skins cost 1050 Orange Essence, while the Legendary skins cost 1520 Orange Essence.

What Is Orange Essence Used For

One of the primary uses of Orange Essence is to unlock skin shards and turn them into permanent skins for your champions. The amount of Orange Essence required varies based on the skin's rarity – Epic skins cost 1050 Orange Essence, while the Legendary skins cost 1520 Orange Essence.

Aside from skins, Orange Essence allows you to unlock Eternals, which are special cosmetic items that track your champion milestones and achievements.

Additionally, Orange Essence can be used to turn temporary cosmetic items like Summoner Icons, Ward Skins, and Emotes into permanent additions to your account. These small touches can make your in-game experience more personalized and enjoyable, and Orange Essence is the currency that makes it possible.

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Orange Essence is an essential currency in League of Legends for unlocking and customizing your favorite cosmetic items. From permanent skins and Eternals to icons and emotes, having a healthy stash of Orange Essence allows you to truly make the game your own. 

By taking advantage of the various earning methods like chests, seasonal events, and ranked rewards, you can steadily grow your Orange Essence reserves. So start collecting, disenchanting, and converting today to build the ultimate personalized League experience!

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