How To Get Mythic Essence in LoL
League of Legends

League of Legends

How To Get Mythic Essence in LoL

League of Legends has several in-game currencies that players can earn or purchase, including Blue Essence, Riot Points (RP), Orange Essence, and Mythic Essence. Mythic Essence is a rare and valuable currency that allows players to unlock exclusive content from the Mythic Shop, which rotates its offerings regularly.

As a dedicated League of Legends player, you may have encountered situations where you've wanted to acquire a specific Mythic skin, chromas, or other rare cosmetic items. However, obtaining Mythic Essence can be a challenge, which is why understanding the various methods to accumulate this currency is crucial.

We'll dive into the world of Mythic Essence, exploring what it is, how to obtain it, and what you can get with it including the current Mythic Shop Rotation.

Mythic Essence is a new in-game currency introduced in League of Legends with Patch 12.6 on March 30th, 2022

What is Mythic Essence?

Mythic Essence is a new in-game currency introduced in League of Legends with Patch 12.6 on March 30th, 2022. It combines the previously separate Gemstones and Prestige Points into a single, unified currency that never expires. Unlike its predecessors, Mythic Essence can be obtained from various sources where Gemstones or Prestige Points were previously earned, such as special events, loot boxes, and missions. This new currency system streamlines the process of acquiring exclusive cosmetic items, as players can now spend their accumulated Mythic Essence in the Mythic Shop to purchase special skins, chromas, accessories, and other rare content offerings that rotate regularly.

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Acquiring Mythic Essence in League of Legends can be achieved through various methods, allowing players to customize their gaming experience with exclusive cosmetic items.

How To Get Mythic Essence

Acquiring Mythic Essence in League of Legends can be achieved through various methods, allowing players to customize their gaming experience with exclusive cosmetic items. Here are some of the primary ways to obtain this coveted currency:

Special Events

Riot Games frequently hosts special events in League of Legends, and these occasions present excellent opportunities to earn Mythic Essence. One such event is the Lunar Revel 2024, where players can earn Mythic Essence by leveling up in the event pass. For instance, at Tier 20, Tier 32, and Tier 42, players will receive 5 Mythic Essence each, while reaching Tier 50 will reward them with 10 Mythic Essence. Alternatively, players can directly purchase 125 Mythic Essence from the Event Shop by spending 2200 Event Tokens.

Specific Milestones

Opening Masterwork Chests, which are special loot boxes containing valuable rewards, can also yield Mythic Essence. For each milestone achieved in opening these chests, players will receive a specific amount of Mythic Essence as a reward.

Loot Boxes

Loot boxes, such as Masterwork Chests, Hextech Chests, or Orbs, offer a chance to obtain Mythic Essence. For instance, Masterwork Chests have a 3.5% chance of granting 5 Mythic Essence, while Hextech Chests have a 2.68% chance of rewarding players with 10 Mythic Essence.

Level Progression

As players progress through the levels in League of Legends, they can earn Mythic Essence as a reward. Starting from level 150, players will receive 10 Mythic Essence for every 50 levels they achieve.

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Mythic Skins are exclusive cosmetics in League of Legends, offering players the opportunity to showcase their dedication and style in a truly unique way. These skins are meticulously crafted with intricate details, particle effects, and animations, elevating the visual experience to new heights.

Mythic Skins & Current Mythic Shop Rotation

Mythic Skins are exclusive cosmetics in League of Legends, offering players the opportunity to showcase their dedication and style in a truly unique way. These skins are meticulously crafted with intricate details, particle effects, and animations, elevating the visual experience to new heights. 

The Mythic Shop rotation is highly anticipated by League of Legends enthusiasts, as it showcases the latest and most coveted Mythic Skins and other exclusive content available for purchase using Mythic Essence. Here's the current Mythic Shop rotation:

Prestige KD/A Ahri available for 200 Mythic Essence

Prestige KD/A Ahri

Prestige KD/A Ahri available for 200 Mythic Essence

Prestige Star Guardian Neeko available for 200 Mythic Essence

Prestige Star Guardian Neeko

Prestige Star Guardian Neeko available for 200 Mythic Essence

Prestige Battle Academia Leona available for 150 Mythic Essence

Prestige Battle Academia Leona

Prestige Battle Academia Leona available for 150 Mythic Essence

Prestige Mythmaker Sivir available for 125 Mythic Essence

Prestige Mythmaker Sivir

Prestige Mythmaker Sivir available for 125 Mythic Essence

Prestige Porcelain Kindred + Border & Icon  available for 125 Mythic Essence

Prestige Porcelain Kindred

Prestige Porcelain Kindred + Border & Icon available for 125 Mythic Essence

Crystalis Motus Ashe + Border & Icon  available for 125 Mythic Essence

Crystalis Motus Ashe

Crystalis Motus Ashe + Border & Icon available for 125 Mythic Essence

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Hextech Alistar available for 100 Mythic Essence

Hextech Alistar

Hextech Alistar available for 100 Mythic Essence

Hextech Malzahar available for 100 Mythic Essence

Hextech Malzahar

Hextech Malzahar available for 100 Mythic Essence


To sum up, Obtaining Mythic Essence in League of Legends requires dedication and strategic planning. By participating in special events, opening loot boxes, reaching milestones, and progressing through levels, players can gradually accumulate this valuable currency. 

With Mythic Essence, they can unlock exclusive Mythic Skins and other rare cosmetic items, allowing them to showcase their unique style and dedication to the game. Stay vigilant for Mythic Shop rotations and seize the opportunity to acquire the desired content before it's gone.

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