The Upcoming Mythic & Prestige Skins In LoL (2024)
League of Legends

League of Legends

The Upcoming Mythic & Prestige Skins In LoL (2024)

Get ready for some exciting news! Riot Games is about to release a new set of Prestige Skins, and we're here to give you all the juicy details.

Prestige Skins are special, limited-edition skins that look super fancy and are harder to get. They're like the fancy outfits of the League of Legends world, making your champions look unique and fascinating.

In this article, we'll talk about the new Crystalis Indomitus skinline. We'll also reveal the upcoming Prestige Skins that you'll be able to get your hands on, and the next Mythic Shop rotation for the upcoming Patches.

So, sit tight and get ready to learn all about the coolest skins coming to League of Legends in 2024!

The first champions to get these creepy-cool Crystalis Indomitus skins are Kha'Zix in March, Xerath in June, and Nautilus in August. If you want to look like a crystal monster too, you can grab these skins for 100 Mythic Essence each.

The New Skinline: Crystalis Indomitus

Get ready for something really cool and a little bit scary! Riot Games is introducing a new Mythic Theme called "Crystalis Indomitus." It's part of the "Magicae Prismatica" universe, which is like an alternate version of the regular League world.

The first champions to get these creepy-cool Crystalis Indomitus skins are Kha'Zix in March, Xerath in June, and Nautilus in August. If you want to look like a crystal monster too, you can grab these skins for 100 Mythic Essence each.

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The Upcoming Prestige Skins that you already knew about are Evelynn and Kayle. Evelynn's Prestige Skin is already available in the High Noon 2024 Pass for 2000 Event Tokens. Kayle's Prestige Skin is also coming, and you'll be able to get it with Event Tokens too.

The Upcoming Prestige Skins

The Upcoming Prestige Skins that you already knew about are Evelynn and Kayle. Evelynn's Prestige Skin is already available in the High Noon 2024 Pass for 2000 Event Tokens. Kayle's Prestige Skin is also coming, and you'll be able to get it with Event Tokens too.

But here's the new stuff: we've got two more Prestige Skins coming that Riot didn't mention before! Get ready for super cute Prestige Yuumi skin and a rad Prestige Leona skin! Just like the others, you'll need to collect Event Tokens to unlock these fancy new looks. We know you all love collecting the rarest and shiniest skins, so start saving up those tokens! 

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Right now in Patch 14.6, you can grab:
Prestige PsyOps Ezreal for 150 ME
Prestige Winterblessed Warwick for 125 ME
Prestige Dragonmancer Volibear for 150 ME
Prestige Space Groove Nami for 150 ME
Dark Star Cho'Gath for 100 ME
Hextech Renekton for 100 ME 
The brand new Crystalis Indomitus Kha'Zix for 100 ME

The Mythic Shop Rotation

Right now in Patch 14.6, you can grab:

Prestige PsyOps Ezreal

150 ME

Prestige Dragonmancer Volibear

150 ME

Prestige Space Groove Nami

150 ME

Prestige Winterblessed Warwick

125 ME

Dark Star Cho'Gath

100 ME

Hextech Renekton

100 ME 

The brand new Crystalis Indomitus Kha'Zix

100 ME

In Patch 14.8, which is about a month away, the shop will have:

Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune

200 ME

Prestige PROJECT: Sylas

150 ME

Prestige Coven Zyra

150 ME

Prestige Porcelain Lissandra

125 ME

Dark Star Cho'Gath, Hextech Renekton, and Crystalis Indomitus Kha'Zix

100 ME

Then in Patch 14.10, you can get your hands on: 

Prestige Arcade Caitlyn

200 ME

Prestige Fuzz Fizz

200 ME

Prestige Nightbringer Kayn

150 ME

Prestige Ascended Pantheon

150 ME

Dark Star Cho'Gath, Hextech Renekton, and Crystalis Indomitus Kha'Zix

100 ME

Finally, in Patch 14.12, the Prestige skins on offer will be:

Prestige True Damage Senna

150 ME

Prestige Phoenixmancer Xayah

150 ME

Prestige Coven Leblanc

150 ME

Prestige Faerie Court Katarina

125 ME

Dawnbringer Karma

100 ME

Hextech Nocturne

100 ME

The new Crystalis Indomitus Xerath

100 ME

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With all these awesome new Prestige Skins and the terrifying Crystalis Indomitus skinline on the way, 2024 is shaping up to be an epic year for League of Legends cosmetics. Just don't get too obsessed with those crystals - you don't want to end up like the Crystalis Indomitus monsters! Save those Mythic Essence points and get ready for a year of pure skin glory.

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