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Best 3 Champions To Split Push in LoL (2024)
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Best 3 Champions To Split Push in LoL (2024)

Split pushing refers to the strategy of sending one player to a side lane (top or bottom) to push that lane all the way to the enemy base, while the rest of their team plays together in a different lane or area of the map. The goal is to force the enemy team to divert resources and attention to deal with the split pusher, creating pressure, opportunities for the rest of your team, or secure drakes.

These three champions are the ultimate split-push masters in League of Legends for 2024 so far – Urgot, Yorick, and Sion. Unstoppable forces that’ll have the enemy scrambling to stop your relentless siege. We’ll dive into what makes them split-push machines, from their game-changing abilities to the must-have item builds that’ll turn them into raid bosses.

Urgot, The Dreadnought

Urgot, The Dreadnought

With his kit overflowing with wave clear and dueling power, Urgot was practically made to be a side lane menace. His Purge (W) is a sustained damage machine gun that mows down minion waves with ease. The Echoing Flames from his passive make short work of any stragglers.

But Urgot doesn’t just shove lanes – he bullies anyone silly enough to try and stop him. His Disdain (E) gives him a massive shield to shrug off harass while the terrifying execute on Fear Beyond Death (R) means even tanks can’t 1v1 him safely.

In the current meta favoring durable frontlines, Urgot’s mix of percent health damage and unmatched objective threat is invaluable. Itemizing for the split with Hullbreaker, Trinity Force, and Titanic Hydra makes him nearly unkillable while he chips away at towers. If left unchecked, this relentless crab will bulldoze straight to your Nexus.

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Yorick, Shepherd of Souls

Yorick, Shepherd of Souls

Yorick’s split-pushing prowess comes from his ability to create an overwhelming numbers advantage in any side lane. This spooky gravedigger brings his own army to the fight.

His passive Shepherd of Souls allows him to constantly summon Mist Walkers – expendable minions that endlessly reinforce his relentless shove. Last Rites (Q) gives him sustain to outlast opponents, while the Mourning Mist (E) slow guarantees his Walkers can swarm any foolish enough to contest him.

But Yorick’s true split push terror lies in his ultimate – Eulogy of the Isles. The Maiden of the Mist is an unstoppable juggernaut that boosts Yorick’s damage and automatically raises more Walkers from any fallen foes. Good luck stopping this zombie horde from battering down your inhibitors.

Yorick’s core build of Hullbreaker, Black Cleaver, and Sundered Sky turns him into an unkillable raid boss. Once he gets rolling, simply clearing the waves isn’t enough – you’ll need to send multiple bodies his way. And even then, it’s already too late…the Maiden

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Sion, The Undead Juggernaut

Sion, The Undead Juggernaut

Sion is made for demolishing side lanes in this meta. His mix of unmatched wave clear, sustain, and tower-killing power make him a split-pushing nightmare.

Sion’s Soul Furnace (W) is a massive health-scaling shield that laughs off poke while letting him farm safely under turret. When combined with his passive Glory in Death that briefly reanimates him after dying, Sion simply doesn’t respect any attempts at 1v1ing him.

But the real terror is Sion’s unparalleled ability to obliterate waves and structures. A fully charged Decimating Smash (Q) one-shots entire minion waves. His Roar of the Slayer (E) wins any siege fight by shredding armor and knocking back the opposition.

And if you try to flee? Well, there’s no escaping Sion’s Unstoppable Onslaught (R). This charging juggernaut simply runs you down, crashing through everything in his path to claim yet another inhibitor.

Itemizing Sunfire Aegis, Hullbreaker, and Titanic Hydra makes Sion an unkillable pushing machine. He’ll happily shrug off any attempts at stopping his split-push demolition crew. Your only hope is taking advantage while he’s down…but even death won’t stop this monster for long.

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These three split-pushing titans – Urgot, Yorick, and Sion – are your best bets in League of Legends for 2024. With their unmatched wave clear, dueling potential, and ability to take down objectives, they’ll have the enemy team pulling their hair out trying to stop the relentless siege. Master their playstyles and core item builds, and you’ll be the nightmare split pusher haunting your opponents’ dreams.

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