League of Legends: Mythic Variants
League of Legends

League of Legends

League of Legends: Mythic Variants

League of Legends is always changing, and now Riot Games is trying something new with skins. They call it "Mythic Variants," and it's all about making special versions of skins that players already love.

Riot wants to give players more ways to get unique items that feel really special to own. They're starting by taking Legendary skins that are already in the game and giving them a fresh twist. These new versions will focus on what makes each champion unique. Let's use Jhin as an example. Riot took one of his Legendary skins and added cool new effects to things special to Jhin, like his fourth shot.

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How to Get Mythic Variant Skins

Getting a Mythic Variant skin in League of Legends is exciting, and there are a few ways to do it. Here's how you can try to get one:

  1. Open Event Capsules:

    • You might get lucky and find the skin in any Capsule you open. There's about a 1% chance in each capsule.

  2. Open 30 Event Capsules during the event:

    • If you open 30 capsules while the event is happening, you're sure to get the skin. If you don't get it in the first 29 capsules, it will definitely be in the 30th one.

  3. Wait and use skin shards:

    • Later in the year, you might be able to get the skin by rerolling skin shards. Riot will let players know when this option becomes available.

Remember, these skins are meant to be rare and special. It might take some time or luck to get one, but that's part of what makes them so cool to have.

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How Many Mythic Variant Skins Are There?

Right now, there are 5 Mythic Variant skins in League of Legends:

  1. Dark Cosmic Erasure Jhin

  2. Breakout True Damage Ekko

  3. Divine Heavenscale Lee Sin

  4. Peacemaker High Noon Yone

  5. Admiral Battle Bunny Miss Fortune

But wait, there's more! Riot is planning to add two more Mythic Variants very soon. On August 28th, they'll be releasing new versions for:

  1. God King Garen

  2. God King Darius

This means that by the end of the month, there will be a total of 7 Mythic Variant skins in the game. Remember, Mythic Variants are meant to be rare and unique, so not every champion or skin will get one. Riot is careful about which skins they choose to turn into Mythic Variants, making sure each one feels extra special.

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